
lydia house Liberia
"Lydia House" is a residential Christian women's home in Gbarnga, Liberia (West Africa) under the local leadership of our partners, Pastors Owen and Viola Dunbar. Lydia House offers provision, medical care, and vocational training for young women and their children fleeing human trafficking, sexual violence, and homelessness. While in residence at this home, young women will complete their education and learn a profitable skill or trade. Their children will receive education as well, and vocational training will be made available to qualifying non-resident women, who may attend as day students.
The training is intended to equip young women to become financially and socially independent when they graduate from the program and re-enter society. Aside from the goal of breaking the cycle of poverty and abuse, the ultimate goal of the home is the formation of strong, independent women leaders for the country of Liberia.